Early Warning Signs!

Hi there,
A quick post as feeling a tad down as a result of the outcome of this week’s opportunity for people to use their voice in line with ‘We can talk with someone about anything, even if it feels awful or small’ and make a difference to help people feel safe all the time.

I’m aware that I am experiencing an awful lot of early warning signs regarding the future of both the NHS and the education system: 0-19. I feel strongly about both as they were designed to recognise and acknowledge that first and foremost we are all people and therefore deserve to be seen as this in terms of equality of opportunity and accessibility. I’m hoping my fears will be unfounded – however so many people on my networks admit to feeling the same and have information that reinforces these ‘unsafe’ feelings. So, I urge you to listen to your feelings and challenge behaviours that are currently eating away at the systems put in place to help all people feel safe all the time.

I am also reminded that we all make a difference and if we review our networks and persist we can do our best to ensure our feelings and thoughts are heard. Again, please listen to your early warning signs and use your voice to ‘make a noise’, because the voices of children and people with vulnerability are rarely heard so we need responsible and respond-able adults to speak out on their behalf.