A 1st Anniversary!

Well, it has been a year now of self-employment and what a year it has been.  I’ve met lots of new people during training sessions, forged friendships at home and abroad and developed working relationships in a number of new local authorities and organisations that will continue in 2012/13.  I have really enjoyed branching out and the work related to ‘the baby brain’ has been so rewarding both in terms of how practitioners have changed their practice and gained greater confidence in their unique role.  I’ve also had great fun developing new resources – oh the joys of shopping and laminating!  So it’s full steam ahead for year 2 and I’m looking forward to meeting many more people to share the PB message and marvel in the wonders of babies and young children.  I’d also like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all those people who have helped me, especially Stevie for putting up with last minute requests to edit and copy various bits of music and video – training sessions would not have been anywhere near as animated without your help.  😆